Evg. R W Schambach's Sermons - MGM Ministries (2025)

Robert William “R W” Schambach (April 03, 1926 – January 17, 2012) born on April 03, 1926, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, to Harry Ellsworth and Ann Moyer Schambach. An outgoing youth, he was born again on a street corner when an evangelist gave an altar call after preaching the gospel to the gathered crowd. Robert felt an immediate call to preach, but decided to pursue other dreams first. Eventually he joined the U S Navy, serving on a destroyer in the Pacific during Word War II. After seeing God preserve his life during many dangerous encounters and witnessing the repatriation of American POW’s, R W totally surrendered to God and determined to preach the gospel wherever God sent him, in order to see others released from the prison and bondage of sin and find the true joy of freedom through Christ.

Returning from the war he enrolled in Bible school, where he met and married his wife, Winnie. He was ordained by C.M. Ward and began pastoring a church. He was influenced by the tent crusades of T L Osborn and later by A A Allen. Many outstanding miracles were accomplished through the ministry of these men and R.W. knew that God had called him to be a part of this. As one of A A Allen’s crusades came to an end he asked R W to become a part of his team. This began several years of traveling throughout the U S helping with the crusades, preaching some services, and doing the advance work. Finally, he felt God calling him to begin his own ministry. He founded 4 ‘tent churches’ in large cities and began his popular radio program, The Voice of Power. His trademark phrase, “You don’t have any trouble. All you need is faith in God” has stirred faith in multitudes.

A commanding voice and the gift of faith have distinguished Brother Schambach’s ministry through multimedia outreaches, including the Voice of Power radio and television programs. In over 200 nations of the world, the gospel of power has been preached in simple, direct fashion. Brother Schambach’s ministry to the hurting has been received in many nations of the world: throughout Europe, Russia, India, Asia, the Philippines, Africa, the West Indies, Central America, and South America. He continues to partner financially with the establishment of churches and Bible schools in Russia and China; with an orphanage in Indonesia and Haiti; with a mega-city outreach in Mexico City; and with urban outreaches in New York City.

R W Schambach is a true pioneer of faith, preaching an uncompromising word of faith, followed by signs and wonders. He continues today, setting the captives free from the bondage of sin. Many view R W Schambach as a senior statesman of the Pentecostal community, and he is still going strong after over 60 years of ministry. He and his wife, Mary Schambach, have dedicated their lives to helping multitudes come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and now they are pouring their lives into raising up a future generation of soul winners who operate in the full power of the Holy Ghost.

He was married to the Mary Winifred (born September 3, 1926, in Philadelphia) for 61 years before she died from natural causes in Tyler, Texas, on April 20, 2010, at age 83. Schambach has two sons and a daughter: Bobby, Bruce and Donna. Schambach had six grandchildren: Rachel, Bobby III, Mark, Amanda and Christi. Donna Schambach is a pastor and faith healer in the Tyler area. Two years later (January 17, 2012), Schambach died of a heart attack at the age of 86. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.

Here are books by Evangelist R. W. Schambach

Miracles II Greater Miracles (Paperback)
Power Struggle (Paperback)
You Can’t Beat God Givin’ Miracle Testimonies From Ordinary People Serving an Extraordinary God (Paperback)
Miracles Eyewitness to the Miraculous (Paperback)
Demon Possession Today and How to Be Free (Paperback)
The Price of God’s Miracle-working Power (Paperback)
I Shall Not Want: Unlocking the Power of the 23rd Psalm (Paperback)
When You Wonder Why (Paperback)
The Miracle Manual (Paperback)
You’re One in a Million (Paperback)
New Beginnings Can Anyone Really Start Over (Paperback)
God’s Guarantee to Heal You (Paperback) → Paperback
The Violent Take It By Force (Other)

“You don’t have any trouble! All you need is FAITH in God!”

Evg. R W Schambach's Sermons - MGM Ministries (2025)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.