Telangiectasia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment (2024)

Spider veins (telangiectasia) can develop in anyone and are frequently seen on the legs. These markings are small, widened blood vessels that are visible just under the skin. They often appear on the legs but can develop anywhere on the body.

For most people, telangiectasia is a purely cosmetic issue that does not pose any real health threat. In this article, you will learn of the symptoms of spider veins, why they occur, and when you might experience complications or more severe problems. You will also learn what to do if your telangiectasia is serious enough to require treatment.

Telangiectasia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment (1)

Symptoms of Telangiectasia

Telangiectasia is usually a painless condition, but in some cases, you might notice symptoms like pain or soreness. Spider veins can develop anywhere but are most common on the legs. They can have a winding or looped appearance and range in color from pink or red to blue and purple. These web-like markings usually appear a millimeter or less under the skin.

Although telangiectasia is referred to as spider veins, the condition can occur in both veins and arteries. Most adults will develop these marks at some point in their life, but they appear most often between the ages of 30 and 50.

Many studies note a higher likelihood of spider vein development in women, with one study reporting that women are 4 times more likely than men to be affected by telangiectasia—especially women with higher numbers of pregnancies.

In rare cases, these superficial blood vessels may break through the skin and cause bleeding, but for most people, spider veins are a purely cosmetic problem. With one form of telangiectasia in particular called hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) or Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome, vein malformations are inherited and can cause other problems throughout the body like:

  • Frequent nosebleeds
  • Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)
  • Abnormal changes to blood flow patterns (shunting)
  • Anemia

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Causes of Telangiectasia

Although some forms of telangiectasia can be inherited, the condition is usually associated with:

  • Increasing age
  • Rosacea
  • Obesity
  • Genetics
  • Pregnancy
  • Sun exposure
  • Use of steroid creams
  • Trauma or injury
  • Varicose veins

While some people may assume they have vein disease if they develop telangiectasia, less than 25% of people with spider veins are diagnosed with venous incompetence or weakened veins.

Telangiectasia is also linked to several other conditions, either as a subgroup or symptom, such as:

  • Ataxia-telangiectasia
  • Bloom syndrome
  • Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita
  • Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome)
  • Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome
  • Nevus flammeus (port-wine stain)
  • Rosacea
  • Sturge-Weber disease
  • Xeroderma pigmentosa
  • Lupus
  • CREST (calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, and telangiectasia) syndrome
  • Scleroderma

In addition to conditions that cause telangiectasia or include spider veins as a symptom, spider veins may also signal the existence of other systemic problems like rheumatoid arthritis, liver problems, and thyroid disease.

Causes and Prevention of Varicose and Spider Veins

What Medications Can Cause Telangiectasia?

Some medications may increase your risk of developing spider veins, including:

  • Blood thinners
  • Steroids
  • Birth control
  • Hormone supplements

Medications that increase your blood flow or pressure can also have an impact.

How to Treat Telangiectasia

Telangiectasia doesn't always need to be treated. If you have no pain, soreness, bleeding, or other complications, you may choose not to do anything about your spider veins. If their appearance bothers you, however, there are several options, such as:

  • Laser Therapy: There are several options for laser therapy, and your healthcare provider can suggest the right type of laser treatment for you depending on the size and location of your telangiectasia.
  • Physical removal: Smaller spider veins can be removed with a tiny hooked extractor during a procedure called microphlebectomy. There are other types of phlebectomy that can be used for other sizes of veins, like varicose veins.
  • Heat: Thermocoagulation uses heat to seal off the damaged vessel that makes spider veins appear, and the vessel eventually dies away and is absorbed by the body.
  • Sclerotherapy: Sclerotherapy usually combines several techniques. Medication that causes the damaged blood vessel to shrink is injected into the affected areas, and then the vessels may be removed with phlebectomy or left to be reabsorbed by the body.

Topical creams and over-the-counter (OTC, nonprescription) ointments are not effective in removing telangiectasia.

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Complications and Risk Factors Associated With Telangiectasia

There are very few complications linked to simple telangiectasia outside of the cosmetic effects. Different forms of the condition, like HHT, can lead to other bleeding problems, but these are rare.

Although most people develop spider veins at some point in their life, there are several risk factors that may increase your chances of seeing these markings, including:

  • Pregnancy
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Lack of exercise or activity

Widespread telangiectasia or spider veins that affect larger vessels can also lead to complications like the development of sores or ulcers.

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Are There Tests to Diagnose the Cause of Telangiectasia?

To figure out the cause of your telangiectasia, your healthcare provider may perform a number of tests to rule out any other medical conditions, including:

  • Blood testing
  • Computed tomography (CT) scans
  • Liver function tests
  • X-rays

A physical examination, Doppler ultrasound, and a blood vessel test called plethysmography can also be helpful in both diagnosing and treating telangiectasia.

When to See a Healthcare Provider

If you develop a spider vein and the appearance is bothering you, talk to your healthcare provider about treatment. If you notice enlarged vessels—especially in areas like the eye—or bleeding from any spider veins, make an appointment with your healthcare provider right away. This could be a signal of more extensive vein problems or even systemic diseases affecting more than one area of the body.

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Telangiectasia refers to spider veins and is usually not a dangerous condition. In severe cases, sores may develop, and some forms of the condition may have more widespread effects. Most of the time, though, spider veins only create cosmetic problems and treatment isn't always necessary.

A Word From Verywell

Spider veins, or telangiectasia, can be embarrassing or bothersome, but they don't often cause serious health problems. You can choose to have your healthcare provider treat your telangiectasia with options like laser therapy, but this is usually only done when the spider veins progress to create sores or problems with bleeding.

Talk to your provider if you have telangiectasia and are interested in having it removed. Over-the-counter treatments and home remedies are not effective in treating spider veins, although you can take steps to try to prevent them.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is telangiectasia serious?

    Telangiectasia rarely causes serious health problems. Symptoms associated with this condition are usually cosmetic or involve mild pain and soreness.

    Learn MoreWhat is Vascular Disease?

  • Can telangiectasia be cured?

    Laser treatments and other therapies are very effective when it comes to treating telangiectasia, and you may even see results instantly. It is possible, however, for spider veins to return in other spots or new locations if you are prone to developing them.

    Learn MoreCauses and Prevention of Varicose and Spider Veins

  • Can telangiectasia be prevented?

    Some people have a genetic predisposition to developing spider veins, but factors like weight loss, regular exercise, and the use of compression stockings may help.

    Learn MoreNatural Treatments for Varicose Veins

4 Sources

Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. MedlinePlus. Telangiectasia.

  2. Sandean DP, Winters R. Spider veins. StatPearls.

  3. National Organization for Rare Disorders. Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.

  4. American Academy of Dermatology Association. Leg veins: Why they appear and how dermatologists treat them.

Telangiectasia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment (2)

By Rachael Zimlich, BSN, RN
Zimlich is a critical care nurse who has been writing about health care and clinical developments for over 10 years.

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Telangiectasia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment (2024)


What is the best treatment for telangiectasia? ›

Sclerotherapy is a more effective procedure for larger veins, so it is the standard treatment for telangiectasias on the legs. It is a minimally invasive procedure in which a dermatologist injects a solution , called a sclerosant, into the affected veins. The solution irritates vessel tissue, causing inflammation.

What is telangiectasia a symptom of? ›

Telangiectasia that appear as dilated loops of capillaries with the avascular areas (areas lacking blood vessels) on the fingernail folds are highly characteristic of both scleroderma and dermatomyositis. These findings can help physicians make an early diagnosis of these conditions.

What is the solution for telangiectasia? ›

Sclerotherapy is the treatment for telangiectasias on the legs. In this procedure, a saline (salt) solution or other chemical is injected directly into the spider veins on the legs. Laser treatment is typically used to treat telangiectasias of the face.

Does telangiectasia ever go away? ›

Telangiectases will not resolve without some form of cosmetic treatment. In most cases, the appearance of the blood vessels and capillaries can be diminished with laser therapy.

What triggers telangiectasia? ›

The exact cause of telangiectasia is unknown. Researchers believe several causes may contribute to the development of telangiectases. These causes may be genetic, environmental, or a combination of both. It's believed that most cases of telangiectasia are caused by chronic exposure to the sun or extreme temperatures.

What is the new treatment for telangiectasia? ›

The appropriate treatment options for telangiectasias are sclerotherapy, laser therapy, thermocoagulation, and microphlebectomy. The purpose of sclerotherapy is to cause endothelial damage by injecting a sclerosing agent into the vascular bed.

What medications can cause telangiectasia? ›

Certain medications may give rise to telangiectasia.
  • Vasodilators especially calcium channel blockers; sun-exposed sites are mainly affected.
  • Long-term systemic corticosteroids.
  • Long-term topical corticosteroids, including steroid rosacea.
  • Intralesional triamcinolone injections.

What is the life span of telangiectasia? ›

The life expectancy of people with ataxia-telangiectasia varies greatly, but affected individuals typically live into early adulthood.

Does telangiectasia get worse? ›

Telangiectasia develops slowly over a long period of time, sometimes starting in the early childhood years. Using some skin and beauty products along with particularly abrasive sponges and scrubs can make them worse.

What type of doctor treats telangiectasia? ›

Dermatologists: Our cosmetic dermatologists are called upon to treat skin telangiectasias and other vascular skin lesions, often with laser treatments, for cosmetic reasons or to reduce bleeding from skin lesions.

What skincare is best for telangiectasia? ›

You should always use a good topical antioxidant containing vitamin C in the form of drops, with a minimum of 10% – 15% followed by a sunblock factor 50 every day. It is also worth considering supplements such as vitamin C which is an essential vitamin for healthy skin.

Can you reverse telangiectasia? ›

Spider veins require professional treatment to completely disappear. There are many home treatments that promise to get rid of spider veins, but there's little research to back them up. Spider veins (telangiectasia) are visible, damaged blood vessels that look like branches or webs of purple, blue or red.

What diseases are associated with telangiectasia? ›

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome) Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome (disease that causes port-wine stain, varicose veins, and soft tissue problems) Nevus flammeus such as port-wine stain. Rosacea (skin condition that causes redness of the face)

Can stress cause telangiectasia? ›

Stress may cause spider veins to develop by increasing blood flow through your body's smaller blood vessels. The extra pressure from the increased volume of blood passing through these tiny capillaries causes them to stretch and become damaged over time. Eventually, these overtaxed veins can turn into spider veins.

Is telangiectasia life threatening? ›

Men, women, and children from all racial and ethnic groups can be affected by HHT and experience the problems associated with this disorder, some of which are serious and potentially life-threatening. Fortunately, if HHT is discovered early, effective treatments are available. However, there is no cure for HHT.

How do you cover up telangiectasia? ›

They also do a camouflage product that is great for applying on the little red marks (telangiectasia), not all over though as it would look too heavy. It's always best to pop to one of their counters to get a good colour match. A cheaper foundation with great coverage is L'Oreal Infallible Total Cover."

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