The Columbus Ledger from Columbus, Georgia (2024)

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IS VUK LEDUfiC 0U1UT5BUS GKPKIMA THAT Jt5 ni BMIHH ISM JOBBERS HIGH pRADE CAUDLES ALL iOUDS MADDOX TAYLOR WHOLESALE fc GARS CONECTIONERIES SUNDRIES 13 29 irst Avenue 1 Have You Smoked? Made Clear I 5c Haban a CIGARS Hand The On Sale At All irst Class Cigar Stands Tampa Made Distributed by MH CAPT WARCHANT IS State vs William Hnrerd Mts to Tom Assaul to Jews Simple lar va Alto CWffl IS BEING vs Luther Larceny lighting by electricity MADTWIRINSHOUSES I Carrying a been seen by the adrertta Carrying a nay er a Here are some hoi weather comforts that are absolute necessities during the summer Herman Mlade Price $200 COHOUGT MSS MH IWi th vs re Brown Assault vs Hundreds nf Columbus people will be Interested In Vuunlng that Bishop 'd of HI fl ns lw ts litahop of Um lo( saw of (' oipla 1n the CbUidfc rinirrh will Columbus toiny nn1 will nfficlnh it o'clock May both Elsey Burglary rann oil 1 held la Columbus The public Invited to attend the speaking Mop large there Thu 1 IT WILL WIRE EVERY POSSIBLE WILL BE AT THE CHURCH THE HOLY AMILY THIS MORN INC Crackers Extracts Spices Teas Etc la Misdonimnor Joe Hmlth Misdemeanor sorely tried Hta visits to Colum bus re Always greatly enjoyed and that of today will be much en joyed as any previous ones Thera will doubtless 'be a largo number who win attend services at the Church of the Holy amily today Jennie May' Radcliffe and Bill Green ace Mur der Charges THE MAJESTIC THEATER WHEN HE WILL DISCUSS SEV ERAL LIVE MATTERS COLUMBUS RAILROAD COMPANY IS CONDUCTING CAMPAIGN IN WHICH HOUSE As has lug of the Columbus Railroad com pany which bar been appearing in these columns will again appear that company is conducting a special wiring campaign According Jo a statement made terday the company has been ducting a vigorous campaign In toe houses and has been ceseful having recently or three hundred housee The company Is making fort to wire evary home and what place of business have not already been wired The contracts arebeing secured and the work of wiring the houses are being done as quickly as the elec tridans can get to them A rys tematic campaign will he continued until every house In the city that can possibly be wired win be equipped for the Holy amily This afternoon st 5 he will confirm class Bishop Keeley is vsgH known In Co lumbus and Is popular with all who know him 1U is a gallant Confed erate veteran and did valiant ser vice during the troublesome days of Ha pi Marchant mayor of Gi rard will speak at the Majestic theater this afternoon st 3 o'clock when he will discuss a number of matters that are of genuine interest to the people of the three cltk In the poster which Mayor Mar chant distributed" some time co an nouncing the date for his address ho stated that be would answer May or Chappell of Columbus: Dr Christie pastor of the irst Baptist church of Columbus and Rev Oliver rvhb nastor of the irst Barttat Shoe Polish Best Tong List of Cases Have Been Sot for Additional Cases Pending William Misde Agents for Chocolates Chocolates Celina 5 Cent Porto Rican Cigar A BOTH ATTRACTING WIDE ATTENTION highly added to the special eb in the city that vs vs MCCRAY fltMl TK Ast scTtV' nlr' it The Stantaar 1 ABM lav he tcl tot enarter WO A reonuv JOAO tcahmoajal Sold vdA rvervwhtMt staple rv'r AdCre All'll yxe Mro wi it She EEs in The criminal dod'N of the lor court will be tak rt up Monday morntar at 9 with Judge 8 Gilbert presiding and Solicitor Gen oral George Palmer conducting Hie prosecution Tho docket la one of the heaviest that Kaa fared the court In several yoare notuilhetandtng the fact that the ebruary term disposed of a large amount of busfreas While the ma jority of the casre are of a misde meanor mnrrn there re quite a number of flony casts there being three murder cases to be tried The esses In whtuii moat interest centered are those of Jminle Radcliff and William rren white A Is known Jennie May Rad if' I charged wllh killing her hits jand (Jeorce Radcliff on the night of April 19 nr at least with Khooting her husband on that night tho Vudor porch shades mre world renowned find are the shades par excellence StopWLoolf Vudor PORCH SHADES State vs John Cogblll Mlsfie nusanor state VS Txn Turner alias Playing and hotting State vs Jnsao Carrying a cn'Tirenfed weapon Rtabi vn Pierce Pinyin and betting SUU tneanor State murder State Stalo State vs rank Playing and belling State re Tim Misdemeanor St ata vs Genja Maying mass this morning at the Llinph of i I VB woupds from which ho la'r died It Is after trust exported that Ihl ease which will go vs to trial next Wtdncsday 'rill attract meaner wlrfp Interest Landon Bell njlsdemeaanr Otis Sessions larceny from hew 6 Biggers misdemeanor Annie May Whayy larceny from house Henry' Willis alias' "rot Willis playing and betting Dixon carrying a concealed pistol Albert Milam mlsdemeancr Middleton misdemeanor Was Johnson playing and betting Travers Jurors Tho following Jurors have been drawn to report Monday morning at 9 Jas A Harley Jr Driver A R' ntnn Jes Conk I Moore Joe DoBraurant Carey Wil lis Rodgers Moses Butts A Hendrix Dudley Mc Gdok Ginn Patterson A Calhoun TMwrenre Murray 1) Slaughter Sam Kaufman JesSe Goin Andrew Prather A Day Griffith Geo Umb leming A Anthony ort son Brown I A Scarbrough Harrison Hurrah Guy A Green A 8 Dozier Chai nrere Moultrie Tails Jurors The following tall hirers have I been drawn to report Monday inorn I Ing at 9 Jenkins Whltlolsey Doughtle Richard Land Jaa ft Jones Carpenter Bray Theo Roec Oliver Jr I RycWey (Jon Klnmp Rich ard Howard Sr Phipps overby Cox Joe Holmen Lloyd Pool Taft JI rank Murray Becker Tarn mus Elliott A Phi'll Bnlh 1xdey Chap poll Thornton Mesaftr1 Tlrere Jas Adams Low thcr Cliff 0 Johnson Rhohuntt McCullough ag ft A Id rid go I Carry wlr 0 sue two list I I To Residents of Roe HHI At the last regular meeting' of ibis association it wae voted to ask the residents of Rose HUI to practice tbs GOLDEN RULE In reference to their chickens Kindly have conaMgration for your yards and gar dens by keeping your chickens penned UP ROSE HILL IMPROVEMENT AS SOCIATION TAYLOR MADDOX Cigars Cgndies and Confectioneries PHONE 943 COLUMBUS GA at the now inode! McCruy Rsfrfgsr tors hva jnt rweivort Theyre tho finest refrigerator wo hare ver ea oa tali you about their epecUl sanitary equipment and aae for yom aolf how clean and "anowy whita" they ara No other aefrlgemtnr fll atind intelligent eompariaon with the MeCray W'hynot ftrefn and let tell yen acme nf the reM lata and tanliary fenture of the IlcCrar It wUl pay yoo CLARENCIO raUSMBOS nrroairc TsiiNsrcii Stbtiom "1ESME red La reeny fi' IL IB HiBO oUllt? that one of the hardest loyal batting Ing a concealed weapon that have ever bw fought In the State vs Otis Larceny at county to save tho life r' a personlter trust will ba up in hor behalf Sialo vs Wilt Willis Misde William Green Is known ail over meanpr Cobimlxus Ha a 111 be ptt on trial riday miming charged with the kill ing of Otis Kltcirenrt loung in rirenoe mun on Sunday March 9 IssL Crean has been noting some what as If ho were crtW for the past fceks tan thorn who have seer iriouf of him do not ta ltavo he la crazy but Is feigning Insan ity It 1 that there will be a hard tlsht put up to eave rre m's JIfo The other minder ate to come up uta frm of court Ih tluit of Sant ord 'm day of er of oihur cases in nlilcb more or Interest foil ft VOOtJS pior IH JMO' church of hentr City Hjr did not st Ate tn pewter what Mollta Milliron 'Hna Phil demeanor' 4 Mrs and Dave larceny from In ad lltlop set tha bou the fonrwfeiE' ar set Mr trial State vb Mitcbal Hamilton in yugcrgee ynyperior court on Tut the sixHg when men's souls were aault to murder play May 20 1913 State VR tt aobouo to murder State murder State murder Sute cany State from the house State re Dallas Copeland alias Charles Burglary Stat vs Sam Collier alias Sanford Carrying Concealed pistol vs Sam Collier alias Sanford Misdemeanor State re Joe Dozier misdemean or State Sorie concealed pistol Stat vs Bogie conceal nd pistol State vs Bogie State ra John Cmeeled pistol State vs John Brannon misdemean or State vs Cilla Carter Assisting a prisoner to escape Stare VS Welter Simple lar ceny State vs Walter iDn Larceny from the house State ve Bur glary State vs Rossie Gilbert and Pearl Burglary State vs Itareta AwtaHn prisoner to escape State vs Mlsdcmean or State vs Harris Blackmail State vs red Bigamy State vs Roy Smith State 7 n) OOT EASE Memorable Occasion shall never forget the lset played remarked ffntrtrt'n RmaTAr "I nia said Tillie Twinkles! would answer but It is said that the soubreL "that you have a erfcB bad reference to certain jsrts of somewhere" Binnlnghatp Age Hen I speeches the shove mentioned gentle inen ma la at a recent tabor meeting "Wo hove mofqiufo and ily canopies that can be attached to any bod following are the cases set fop Mon 1 and betting day: State Yd in UMHiS 1 if lill 'OS drM ii NUT CX 1 A MR I I I I i LJ I dL tWwW nod effort 1 I I.

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The Columbus Ledger from Columbus, Georgia (2024)
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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.